Monday, October 8, 2007

Voice Thread

It's an elephant, or so they say. Apparently my idea of using VoiceThread to create a presentation or slideshow is like using a sledgehammer to drive a tack, so grab a hammer if you want to try a new toy. It's blogger. It's slideshare. It's flickr. It's YouTube. It's entertaining...unless you hate to hear your own voice worse than you hate to see your own picture. Get over it. I did.

I created this little thread about making a good password to try it out. See

Hmmm...and they give you a friendly way to include it as an image...

I think it'll put your picture next to the voicethread if you make a comment. Crap. Now they've got my picture and voice.

1 comment:

Jonathan Davis said...

Looks like the start of a brilliant second career in voice-overs!